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Using eye-tracking to improve the Met’s interactive digital features

This eye-tracking usability study evaluated two aspects of the Met’s website that present content is markedly different ways: the interactive Close Look articles and the digital collection experience. As a result, we identified key findings and developed design recommendations which we ultimately presented to the Met’s digital product team.

A Usability Study of the MCN Members Portal

In this usability study, we sought to determine how well members of the Museum Computer Network (MCN) use the membership portal to gather professional information, connect with other members, and navigate through their accounts.

Cooper Hewitt: Mobile Website Eye-Tracking Usability Study

We wanted to understand how Cooper Hewitt museum’s website visitors view the visual hierarchy of the Design Topics and Emerging Designer pages while browsing content on mobile devices. We conducted an eye-tracking usability study with 8 participants and made recommendations to clarify some of the website language and make the site more mobile-friendly.

Archaid – Improve remote work (Building professionals edition)

Archaid, an application that aids building professionals to communicate and execute design remotely via Augmented Reality. Archaid allows the users to pin their doubts, instructions, and actions on the site creating individual thread conversation for each pin almost completely eliminating the physical presence of the users on the site.

2021-2022 MoMA LOD Fellowship: Realizing MoMA Exhibition Data through Wikidata

In congruence with the ongoing efforts of MoMA to make its exhibition history available online, the work completed through my MoMA Linked Open Data Fellowship built upon work of previous fellows to model art exhibition event concepts through Wikidata, an open knowledge base, enabling a further reach and connectivity of the institution’s archive and collection data.

Tracing The Aesthetics Of Online Gentrification

This paper explores how the aesthetics of online gentrification, tied to the commercialization of online space, parallel and differ from the aesthetics of urban gentrification, with a focus on homogenization, transience, professionalization, and authenticity.

Building UX Capacity in Museums

One of the many impacts of the pandemic was the necessary shift to virtual and online engagement for museums. While in-person engagement may have returned, these organizations require guidance to improve the experiences of attendees to make sure they are meaningful, engaging, and accessible. The Center for Digital Experiences has worked with select organizations and is building a “playbook” to support this effort.

Preserving Twine Games with Web Archiving Tools

My final project for Digital Preservation and Curation examined using accessible web archiving tools to preserve hypertext interactive fiction games made with the platform Twine. The project addresses preservation concerns for the Twine format, with an emphasis on Twine’s interactive components, and on capturing the “experience” of a web page.

Zines: A basic guide to finding, making, and teaching zines.

This LibGuide explores the world of zines and reports on where to find them, how to make them, and how to teach with them.

CSS Styling for LibGuides

A how-to LibGuide designed to help librarians easily customize LibGuides using CSS. By copying + pasting CSS code from this guide, users can get to work making custom adjustments that improve the accessibility, design, and story-telling power of their own guides.

Dissection: Curious Objects in Special Collections

A selection of curiosities from special collections located in libraries across the world, this digital exhibit brings together items whose stories center around the theme of dissection. For the course INFO 689 Rare Books and Special Collections, I curated this exhibit and built the website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

MoMA Library’s Reading Room in the Time of COVID-19

This poster looks at how COVID-19 has affected the Museum of Modern Art Library’s policies in its recently reopened Reading Room during the time of my Fellowship. With…

Work at the Watson (Pratt Met Fellow Presentation)

I will be presenting on my past year as a Pratt Fellow in the library at the Met, and will be covering my shared project on digitization and the Met’s Paper Legacy project, as well as my personal project conducting collections assessment with Sierra and analyzing data in Excel.

Semantic Lab at Pratt: Linked Data for Archival Exploration – A Use Case from the Rauschenberg Archives Part 1: Construction: Methods and Tools

The Semantic Lab has developed several innovative tools to facilitate digital arts and humanities research using linked open data principles and technologies. We will provide an overview of these tools and their applications by featuring use cases from the E.A.T.+LOD Project which focuses on archival documents from the Experiments in Art and Technology (E.A.T.) collection of the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation.

Semantic Lab at Pratt: Linked Data for Archival Exploration – A Use Case from the Rauschenberg Archives Part 2 Exploration: Queries and Visualizations

After generating and modeling linked open data from Experiments in Art and Technology (E.A.T.), a collection of documents from the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation’s artist archive, the Semantic Lab is now focusing on how to leverage the data for archival exploration.

Increasing Visibility at the Thomas J. Watson Library

As a Pratt Fellow at the Watson Library I my projects included cataloging donations and sending and receiving bookbindery orders. I also developed an acquisition list of works by women Mexican artists active in the early-mid 20th century. I then ordered and cataloged these books for the Watson Library.

Transforming XML for Digital Archives with Python and lxml

Digital archives systems often swap information encoded as XML. lxml is a Python library that can be combined with another analysis tools to design sophisticated transformations that save time and decrease errors in many digital archives workflows.

Improving The Accessibility Of Research Materials For The Accademia Di San Luca

The History of the Accademia di San Luca, c.1590-1635: Documents from the Archivio di Stato di Roma (ASL) is an extensive online research database home to archival materials and documents of the Accademia di San Luca located in Rome, Italy, and is maintained by the National Gallery of Art. The team of four User Experience (UX) consultants conducted seven moderated user tests. The test participants were given a specific list of tasks to follow while navigating the website. Participants encountered usability issues related to navigation, search features, and the map tool throughout testing that impacted their interactions with the ASL website.

So You Want to Be a Boss: Redesigning a Management/Leadership Course for Pratt iSchool Students

This research project was conducted to support Dr. Irene Lopatovska’s initiative to redesign a management + leadership course for information professionals at the Pratt Institute School of Information. To inform the course curriculum, we conducted a content analysis of similar course offerings at other iSchools and their syllabi, reviewed the literature on curriculum development in information disciplines, and surveyed and interviewed information professionals, iSchool faculty, and students to prioritize the topics to be covered. We compiled the findings of this research in a poster to share with the rest of the Pratt iSchool community, and these findings will be instrumental in designing the curriculum for a course focused on developing the next leaders and movers and shakers of various information industries.

A digital visualization tool for anglers In NYC

This tool helps anglers to get information for forecasts of species by locations. It delivers anglers various data clearly in one place to make them choose an appropriate fishing pier.