This project runs a demographic analysis from the survey results on revitalization preferences at A Philip Randolph Square to see if and what patterns emerge in the revitalization preferences. By conducting a network analysis to develop personas, we can better tell the story of revitalization preferences to community members and stakeholders.
A Philip Randolph Square is a park located in Central Harlem South and is in the process of being redesigned. The A Philip Randolph Neighborhood Alliance and the Friends of A Philip Randolph Square are working with the community members and stakeholders to develop plans to revitalize this park into a community space to honor the legacy of this labor unionist and civil rights activist. This project runs a demographic analysis from the survey results to see if and what patterns emerge in the revitalization preferences. By examining this data in different demographic “cross-sections”, the intent is to tell the story of the people that make up the community and their opinions on the revitalization of the park to the community members themselves.

Skills/Technologies Used
UX Research, Gephi, OpenRefine, Tableau
Main Dataset
Google Sheet of Survey Results with New “Group” Column, Neighborhood Alliance for Open Space