Tag: data
This data visualization project explores the Bechdel Test, a pass-fail condition under which two female characters must hold a conversation about any subject other than a man, as applied to American films. This visualization combines data from bechdeltest.com and IMDb to explore the representation of women and reception by audiences.
“‘Data-Drive Transparency’: Creation and Consequence of the Data-Public” analyzes the impact open government data programs have on society. The paper discusses how open government data, despite being marketed as democratic transparency initiative, results in the formation of a ‘data-public’ and the ascendance of neoliberal politics.

Treaties are living documents that link Native American Nations with the Federal Government of the United States, and their multifaceted conditions continue to raise numerous questions in our post colonial age. A combination of multiple word frequencies attempt to provide further insight in treaties with 142 Native American Nations.
As Big Data has emerged as the basis of modern research, fittingly it has also become apparent in research libraries. Data centers equipped with data librarians are becoming more prevalent. Information professionals serve as stewards of access and instruction to information resources, the tidal wave of datasets is no exception. Data librarians have emerged as specialists on data resources, tools and also data management plans that are required for research grant proposals. With more publically accessible datasets from government funded research, privacy ethics can fall on scientists and funding agencies. Librarians are poised, and in some cases required, to be part of the data revolution. Despite the specialty area of data librarianship, the information profession field should be aware of growing data-based research and the issues involved