Tag: art

Handmade Archival Box for ‘The Juniper Tree’ and ‘It’s Fun to be Alive in Colma!’

Handmade archival protective enclosure made in Conservation Lab (INFO-634) holding two zines by the artist, Chayyim. both of which incorporate archival materials about the history and contemporary culture…

“IT’S FUN TO BE CLASSIFIED”: Lens-based Artwork about Trans Oppression and Misrepresentation in Archives

An artist talk and exhibition of “IT’S FUN TO BE CLASSIFIED”, a series of lens-based mixed media collages. This work explores the history and contemporary legacy of categorization,…

WatsOnline at Watson: a Year at the Met’s library

We will be presenting on our fellowship at the Thomas J. Watson Library at the Metropolitan Museum of Art including projects we contributed to, lessons learned, and some…

Visual Literacy in Pre-K Curricula

InfoShow – Visual Literacy in Pre-K Visual literacy is a critical skill that enables individuals to navigate the world of visual media. While the research shows multiple benefits of introducing…

Get Them Engaged: Exploring Innovative Features of Online Art Collections

A survey and discussion of innovative art interfaces used by art museums and other art related institutions. Based on compiled data the project makes suggestions regarding best practices to enhance user engagement and enjoyment.

Rightful Owners: International Restitution and Repatriation

International agreements attempt to ensure that looted antiquities, artwork and other cultural objects are returned to their rightful owners, but success depends on whether or not individual countries dedicate the necessary resources to opening up archives and support the process of restitution.