This is a presentation of our final project from the Fall 2023 Art Documentation class where we were assigned to create a “Request for Funding” proposal. Our team addressed the needs of an imagined net-art museum, focusing our proposal on supporting digital preservation and instituting a plan to ensure the longevity of our work.


The Y2K Museum is our fictionalized contemporary art museum that is dedicated to preserving the art of the last 30 years, in both digital and analog spaces. The Y2K Origins Project is our museum’s program that seeks to create a framework of storage, access, and preservation for a collection of commissioned net art pieces from the first ten years of the museum’s history (1998-2008). There are approximately 60 pieces in the museum collection that fall within these parameters. In the request for proposal document that our group created, we outlined the major decisions involving intellectual and physical control, digital management and preservation concerns, access by the public, and staffing and financial budgets.

This project will standardize the storage and file-naming for all net art pieces and their dependencies created before 2008, and design the procedures by which net art pieces in the collection are described, connected to the Museum’s CMS and DAM systems, connected to the proper infrastructure for long-term preservation, and made accessible to the public for viewing and appreciation. Once this project has been completed, the workflow and systems developed can be expanded by the museum to include net art pieces commissioned and created after 2008.

Concept Map of Metadata Elements
Storage and Access Map
Samie Konet
Samie Konet (b.1994, Cleveland, OH) is an archivist, artist, and technologist based in New York City. Konet’s expanded practice involves archival projects using linked data to enhance art-historical data, emulation as a strategy for digital preservation, and how embodied knowledge presents as a form of technological literacy.
Samie Konet
Francesca Strathern
Pratt Institute, MSLIS The Frick Collection Web Archiving Fellow 2023-2024
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