Archives Weren’t Built In a Day: Artist Archives in Rome-New York

We are pleased to present Archives Weren’t Built In a Day: Artist Archives Rome-New York. Our presentation will cover our findings from the archival visits  conducted with the INFO 697 class Artists Archives: Rome/NY. During this presentation we will provide some background on three individual Artists’ Archives, which we chose to compare. Then, we will discuss our framework,  how we decided on what aspects from the framework to present on, and what conclusions we can draw from the answers to those questions. Finally, we will summarize our findings and suggest areas for future research.

Hannah Rothfield

Hannah Rothfield

I am just finishing my second-semester as a Dual Degree HAD/LIS student. After working for over a decade in film and television, mainly working in props departments, I've has always had a interest in the information that an object contains.
Stefany Merkelbach

Stefany Merkelbach

Stefany Merkelbach is a MLIS student at Pratt Institute and Library Fellow at Bard Graduate Center. Her research interests include rare books and special collections, alternative media and community generated media in the information space like zines and film, as well as the transient nature of information in the digital age. Her library practice is grounded in services to underrepresented or isolated communities and populations such as prison or homeless library initiatives.
Stefany Merkelbach

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