Hestia Statue

3D Scanning As A Method

3D Scanning in cultural heritage institutions is paving the way to new kinds of preservation, conservation, and repatriation. It is also opening up the collections to patrons in a more immersive and interactive way.


The idea of digitization as a means of preservation, conservation and repatriation is a recurring theme in the area of special collections and archives. Digitization allows cultural heritage institutions, which often contain items that are too delicate to handle directly, to augment and expand their collections both in online databases and in the physical world. However, for many years this type of work was mostly relegated to two-dimensional artifacts, such as letters or photographs. Archivists often have little choice but to imperfectly photograph these three-dimensional objects, resulting in inaccurate documentation. The advent of three-dimensional scanning has allowed for a shift in this trend. A growing number of institutions are adding in this technique to their digitization process. Institutions, with the help of 3D scanning, can now digitally and accurately preserve physical objects. This allows users from multiple areas of interest to experience these objects in an immersive, three-dimensional setting.


Wolf_Katie – Assignment 3 – Presentation

Image created by warszawianka, retrieved from https://openclipart.org/detail/22319/hestia 

Katie Wolf

Katie Wolf

An MLIS Candidate at Pratt Institute School of Information. Currently interested in metadata, databases, and academic librarianship.