A Grave Situation for Archives
Institutions which contain specialized archives may face funding challenges. As a result, these institutions may become understaffed or become incapable of offering access (electronic or otherwise). Consequently, records become “locked away” or worse, fall into disrepair.
“archives face many difficulties in funding” (Wakimoto, Hansen, & Bruce, 2013)
Cemeteries, in particular, contain public records that may be helpful for researchers and genealogists. In certain states, the courts have deemed access to cemetery records a public right. Therefore, access to records with the help of a database could help lessen stress on these institutions.
Standardized Database
Thomas Kiedrowski created a standardized cemetery database and management system for records of burials during Monica Maceli’s ‘Database Design and Development’ class (LIS-697). Also, a sample size of 104 datasets were used, and consequently 16 tables were set up in an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). As a result, the database can offer ways in which queries can be made, data to be grouped, and inferences can be obtained. In addition, with some tweaking probably many cemetery could use the database.
Presentation link: Cemeteries Archives Burials Database