Author: Hannah Rothfield

I am just finishing my second-semester as a Dual Degree HAD/LIS student. After working for over a decade in film and television, mainly working in props departments, I've has always had a interest in the information that an object contains.

Archives Weren’t Built In a Day: Artist Archives in Rome-New York

We are pleased to present Archives Weren’t Built In a Day: Artist Archives Rome-New York. Our presentation will cover our findings from the archival visits  conducted with the…

Archives and Art-making class exhibition

The exhibition will comprise the students’ final projects—artworks that integrate or draw inspiration from digital or analog materials from the Pratt Institute Archives.

What is Mine is Yours, but is It Ours?

When does a prop become an artifact, when does an artifact become a prop? When is it okay for a person to take an historic object and use…