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The first English-language Robinsonade to achieve sales of any note, the Hermit (attributed to Peter Longueville, 1727), is explored in detail in this descriptive bibliographical report. A keystone of LIS practice in rare books, descriptive bibliography is, as Terry Belanger notes, “indispensable” (1977). The report will be presented in poster format, with high-resolution color illustrations.
Mobile digital information resources based in special collections! A WordPress-based pathfinder to the history of the American Revolution in New York City (1776-1783), exploring locations in Brooklyn, Manhattan, Staten Island, Queens, etc., and utilizing resources from NYPL special and digital collections. I also created a Google map of important sites.
Introduction to scholarly publishing situation and OAN methods
“How effective are embargoes?
How big of a global environmental problem is overfishing?
Two research projects try to answer these questions by examining legislative, parliamentary and legal sources by focusing on two case studies, one examines the trade embargo on Iran and the other examines overfishing in Somalia.”

I will be presenting my academic blog post on the emergence of altmetrics as an alternative to traditional journal impact factor ((http://bit.ly/1O46zd5). I’ll address the arguments both for and against altmetrics and discuss my brief examination of the impact of one scholar’s research via traditional citation metrics versus via altmetrics.
WeReaders A Case Study of the Use of Twitter in a Research Survey ewillse We tested Twitter as an instrument for recruiting participants and generating research data,…