Category: 2014Page 1 of 4
Colleges and universities now struggle fulfill mission statements which include teaching information literacy skills to undergraduates. I suggest embedded librarianship (EL)—growing in popularity on campuses across the nation—as…
This is a paper addressing current concerns in legal libraries and librarianship, particularly those arising from the rise of digital resources. My presentation itself focuses on the technology-driven push for innovation, particularly issues presented by legal blogs.
What is in a name? Why do we need naming conventions in the first place? A naming convention is one of those things that people take for granted….
The SafetyNet team proposed a complete re-design of the Sean Casey Animal Rescue website, including a completely overhauled information architecture and user interface. Project work included a content…
Music Digital Cataloging An overview of music cataloging in the digital age, with special attention to the treatment of genre. A brief history, various current approaches, from controlled…
WeReaders A Case Study of the Use of Twitter in a Research Survey ewillse We tested Twitter as an instrument for recruiting participants and generating research data,…
Artists Archives Poster LIS653 (1)
Showcase Projects in Digital Archives (LIS 655-01) Presentation Student Names: Tali Chiyong Han, Eleanor Meyer, Genna Sarnak Title: Enriching the Jews in America Portal: A Metadata Harvesting Project Abstract: In…
The New York Public Library’s Map Warper is an open-source program for integrating scanned copies of historical maps from the NYPL’s collections with digital maps. Our tutorial, selected…