Handmade archival protective enclosure made in Conservation Lab (INFO-634) holding two zines by the artist, Chayyim. both of which incorporate archival materials about the history and contemporary culture of the San Francisco Bay Area.

The Juniper Tree is a collection of 4×5 large format film photography shot in Oakland, CA and Brooklyn, NY which uses themes and motifs from the titular Grimms’ fairytale to explore the effects of institutionalization, restriction, generational trauma, and medicalization. IT’S FUN TO BE ALIVE IN COLMA is a series of photomontages combining researched archival imagery, found text, and original 35mm photos of San Francisco’s designated necropolis, Colma.

charlie chayyim shaw
Charlie "Chayyim” Shaw is a mixed-media artist and archivist-in-training, currently working towards an MSLIS with an Advanced Certificate in Archives. Charlie Chayyim grounds his practice in lens-based work, drag performance, and archival research. His research interests include digital imaging, digital preservation and curation, and critical archival theory, particularly in the context of historical materials related to trans identity and drag performance.