In this project from INFO-645 Advanced Usability & UX Evaluation, we conducted a usability study with eye-tracking to understand how novice and expert API users interact with the Cooper Hewitt API website. We provided several recommendations focused on improving how people locate the API website (discoverability), find API examples (readability), and learn to run a query (learnability).

Laiba Sarwar
My name is Laiba Sarwar and I am a Product Designer/ UXResearcher with a passion for problem-solving and storytelling which I use in my work to produce creative brand designs and company websites. I have experience with UX design and web development in companies and various ground-breaking Non-Profits. In my spare time, I love being a bookworm, taking photos, and talking about all things film/tv.
Philip Garip

Philip Garip

Phil Garip is a UX designer and neon sign maker in Brooklyn, NY. He is currently pursuing his master’s degree in Information Experience Design at the Pratt Institute’s School of Information. He holds a BFA in Photography and Imaging from NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts, and currently works as a neon technician and instructor at UrbanGlass in Brooklyn. Phil lives in Bed Stuy with his cat, Murphy and a few houseplants that are holding on for dear life. Hobbies include sewing, cooking, martial arts, bad standup, and reading.
Kato Oppenheim

Kato Oppenheim

Kato's a passionate user experience (UX) researcher, tester, and designer with interests in accessibility design, multi-modal learning environments, and interactive design for physical products and spaces. Her downtime consists of cooking for others, playing Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) with friends, surrounding herself with plants, and volunteering within her community.