Utilizing the LibGuide platform, “Manhattan Uprising!” contextualizes Manhattan’s history of political protests and riots through a human rights and diversity lens applied to 5 uprisings. This project features a variety of media and archival resources to encourage exploration into this history.


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Saille Caia Murray
Saille Caia Murray is a librarian (Pratt, MLIS 2025), and completed a master’s of urban studies (Fordham University 2019) with over a decade of political experience. Their research explores the intersection of public space and democracy. They seek to cultivate a deeper understanding of how libraries can contribute to civic diversity and community and serve as democratic infrastructure. Related to this research, is the role that libraries can play in building support for human rights such as the freedom of assembly. As a librarian, they hope that by inviting these conversations they will create space for deeper community engagement, leading to a more holistic reference service experience. Their passion for exploring and strengthening the role that libraries play in our broader democratic infrastructure has been realized in their own scholarship and practice. These passions for exploring these topics are partially realized in their current project Manhattan Uprising! In their free time, they enjoy hiking, photography, practicing aikido, and embroidery.
Saille Caia Murray
Saille Caia Murray

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