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My paper is centered on digital literacy, digital inclusion, the challenges public libraries face in becoming more digitally inclusive (e.g., funding), the importance of access to broadband, and examines libraries’ central roles in bridging digital divides in the United States.
This is a paper addressing current concerns in legal libraries and librarianship, particularly those arising from the rise of digital resources. My presentation itself focuses on the technology-driven push for innovation, particularly issues presented by legal blogs.
WeReaders A Case Study of the Use of Twitter in a Research Survey ewillse We tested Twitter as an instrument for recruiting participants and generating research data,…
The New York Public Library’s Map Warper is an open-source program for integrating scanned copies of historical maps from the NYPL’s collections with digital maps. Our tutorial, selected…
This session will explore several uses of video for instruction in library settings. Students in LIS 680 created a few varieties of instructional videos and reflected on both…