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This documentary was developed for Brooklyn Connections, an educational program that uses BPL’s local archive housed to create resources for schools. The documentary focuses on a few key pieces of ephemera from the Civil Rights Movement and challenges students to think critically about the events of that era and connect them to social conditions in Brooklyn today.
In LIS 680, this small group developed a walking tour of Greenpoint in collaboration with Brooklyn Connections, an educational program at Brooklyn Public library that uses primary source resources from the Brooklyn Collection to teach history and information literacy to Brooklyn students. By using primary source documents from the past and matching them with present-day locations, then plotting them on a map using History Pin, the students have created a resource and accompanying lesson plans that Brooklyn teachers can use.
The Brooklyn Connections PSA is a short video designed to encourage teachers to participate in the Brooklyn Connections program at Brooklyn Public Library with their classes. By exploring the programs mission and goals, and showing some of the fantastic projects completed with primary sources with the BC staff, this small group created a PSA that will be used by BC to promote their program on their website.

This presentation addresses the question of access to the library by people experiencing homelessness from an intellectual freedom/equitable access perspective. Rather than providing legal advice or policy prescriptions, I look at this from an ethical perspective and explore whether it is ever justified to block someone’s access to information.
Mobile digital information resources based in special collections! A WordPress-based pathfinder to the history of the American Revolution in New York City (1776-1783), exploring locations in Brooklyn, Manhattan, Staten Island, Queens, etc., and utilizing resources from NYPL special and digital collections. I also created a Google map of important sites.
During student teaching LIS 690 Claudio and his cooperating teacher created a portable makerspace called the Maker Basket for the school’s library. The basket has laminated cards with projects ranging from making a friendship bracelet to coding Scratch. The project has been a huge success in the library and Claudio has a thoughtful presentation that includes findings from his review of the maker basket’s first semester and a literature review as well.
“This presentation will describe a semester of answer reference questions from incarcerated people.
The presentation will focus on various aspects, including: The right to information as it applies to incarcerated people, Information needs for re-entry, education and leisure, ethical dilemmas for librarians, challenges of a-synchronous reference. “