Author: Sarah Ann Adams

Sarah Adams is a first year Pratt graduate student in the Library and Information Science program. Her academic interests include knowledge organization, cataloging and classification, wikidata, and linked data. Sarah is Coordinator and Research Assistant for the Semantic Lab at Pratt []

Thinking Outside the Textbook: Historical Event Modeling with the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire as Case Study

This presentation will introduce the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire of 1911 in relation to modeling historic events and underrepresented stories as linked data. The creation of Wikidata URIs for the 146 victims of the fire will also be described.

from MARC to BIBFRAME [!]

This poster seeks to overview, briefly, MARC’s limitations, the history of the transition away from MARC toward BIBFRAME, the functionality of BIBFRAME, and the opportunities and challenges presented by BIBFRAME.

The Semantic Lab: Local 496 Project and Batiste Project

The Local 496 Project transforms the American Federation of Music’s Local 496 union list into a semantic data network. This document is a 1940’s directory of the segregated African-American chapter of New Orleans jazz musicians. This project will highlight the Batiste family network, many of whom are listed in the directory.