Author: mwestman
These projects are examples of librarians working to support their communities in ways that respond directly to the community needs.

As part of an IMLS grant, Pratt is providing professional development for the Librarians of Tomorrow (LoT), high school interns at Brooklyn Public Library branches. LoT interns also receive professional development such as workshops on preparing for college, writing resumes, working with the public, using tech for school and work, etc. Workshop curricula were developed in LIS 673 in fall 2017 in collaboration with Professor Hochman. In Spring 2018, Pratt students facilitated workshops for Brooklyn Public Library’s LoT interns. This presentation will describe the process, and even include the voices of the teens themselves (ideally!).
This presentation will share a book display curated for use at the Arts & Letters elementary school library in Brooklyn. The “You Are Here” display curates place-The display entices students first to “read the book” and then to “see the sights.” The presentation will share reflections and images of the implemented display.