Author: Michelle Rothrock
Digital Archives fellow at NYPL, assistant at Semantic Lab, metadata nerd, two-hearted cat.

NYPL obtained an enormous collection of digital materials on CD-R, and implemented a batch transfer process to ingest the materials. The batch transfer process obscured the success rate of the transfers; I analyzed metadata about the transferred materials to determine the success rate and improve the process.

This project aims to transform the E.A.T. Bibliography into linked data to become part of the broader E.A.T. + LOD dataset. The E.A.T. Bibliography, created by Billy Klüver, consists of a list of over 600 references centered on the E.A.T. initiative. The goal of the project is to enhance the E.A.T + LOD project with bibliographic data to provide unified access and discovery to E.A.T. research, collection, and related reference data.