Author: Diana Rosenthal

Scientific publications editor and archivist in North American Archaeology at the American Museum of Natural History. Finished degree at Pratt in December 2015.

ADA Compliance, Technology and Innovation for Accessibility in Libraries and Beyond

In celebration of Global Accessibility Awareness Day on May 21, an enlightening poster on ADA compliance, technology and innovations to provide equal access for people with disabilities in libraries and beyond.

Archiving Architectural and Design Photography: The Case of the Bill Maris Project

Students from Projects in Digital Archives will present their work on archiving and digitizing select portions of a photography collection spanning architecture and design from the 1970s. The photography was created by architectural photographer Bill Maris and donated to Pratt a few years ago, and features photography in several formats.

The Biodiversity Heritage Library: Open Access at Work

This research project takes a look at the Biodiversity Heritage Library, which is a subject-specific open-access digital library created and maintained by a consortium of natural history and…