Digital Humanities
@ Pratt

Inquiries into culture, meaning, and human value meet emerging technologies and cutting-edge skills at Pratt Institute's School of Information

Tag: text analysis

Beyond Scansion: Exploring Holistic Prosody Analysis through Digital Humanities Tools

Prosody, the subtle art of sound and rhythm in language, plays a central role in the experience of poetry. It imparts musicality, emotional resonance, and layers of meaning to verses. Traditional prosody analysis focuses on scansion, which parses metrical patterns and stressed syllables in a text format, but often overlooks the nuanced musicality unique to poetry. In the digital age,…

Weighted Words

Using a combination of HTRC Analytics and Voyant Tools, this study compares the language used in a collection of turn of the century weight loss texts to that of the current weight loss verticals on the websites of Women’s Health and Men’s Health in order to investigate what has changed or remained the same in terms of how weight, bodies…

Text Analysis with Historical Newspapers

As many cultural heritage institutions rush to digitize materials, hoping to fulfill their missions of providing widely, openly accessible collections, one of the odd quandaries researchers face is an overwhelming amount of certain kinds of information. Historical newspapers are top among those materials that have been digitized like mad. It makes sense, of course — these might be fragile items…

Were Terry Pratchett’s Final Works Affected by Alzheimer’s Disease?: An Analysis into Vocabulary Trends within the Discworld Series, Post Diagnosis

INTRODUCTION Regardless of type or style, writers cannot help but put themselves on the page, and so none of their biographies would seem complete without drawing attention to their subjects’ craft directly. By the extension of this thought, what could we learn about ourselves if we took all of what we have written down and stored both online and offline…