INFO 659: Advanced Projects in Digital Humanities gives students in the DH Certificate the opportunity to spend an entire semester working on a class-designed group project. The topic, methods, and deliverables are decided by the class and this in-depth experience has lead to projects that have had a long life outside of the class as conference presentations and publications.
By: Maddy Casey, Alison Long, Stephanie Naut, Darcy Krasne, Nene Villalobos, and Claudia Berger

By: Meina Naeymirad, Erica Weidner, Gabriella Evergreen, and Claudia Berger
Awards: Best Group Project InfoShow24
Presentations: GSISC 2024 and DH2024

Making the Desert Island Discs Dataset: Data Visceralization and How We Don’t Know What We Know
By: Lubov McKone, Ava Kaplan, Jessika Davis, Carol Choi, and John Decker
Awards: People’s Choice Award at InfoShow23
Presentations: HASTAC 2023, DLF 2023, and NEASIS&T 2023

Mapping Provenance: Navigating the Narratives of Nazi-Looted Artworks
By: Emma Boisitz, Craig Nielsen, Nicoletta Romano, Miranda Siler, and Chris Alen Sula
Tending to Turtle Island: Indigenous Peoples, Settler Colonialism, and Plants in North America
By: Blair Talbot, Claudia Berger, Jiyoung Lee, Kelli Hayes, Mickey Dennis, and Chris Alen Sula
Publication: “Countermapping Plants and Indigenous Lifeways in North America: A Case Study of Tending to Turtle Island” in Routledge Handbook of the Digital Environmental Humanities, edited by Charles Travis, Robert Legg, Luke Bergmann, Arlene Crampsie, and Deborah Dixon. Routledge (2022): 126–42,

“Fake News”: A discourse analysis
By: Juho E Hakokongas, Heather V Hill, Kristen Iemma, Elijah Jonas, Nanyamkah Mars, Kieran L Raines, Chris Alen Sula, Deidre A Thompson, and Alexander Whelan
Presentation: Cultural Studies Association 14th Annual Conference, 2016

By: Jacky Connolly, Sarah Hackney, Rajene Hardeman, Erin McCabe, Allison Nellis, Laurin Paradise, and Chris Alen Sula
Presentation: Cultural Studies Association 15th Annual Conference, 2017