Digital Humanities
@ Pratt

Inquiries into culture, meaning, and human value meet emerging technologies and cutting-edge skills at Pratt Institute's School of Information

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“Immersive Narratives: Advertising, Engagement, and Storytelling,” Panel Presented by CUNY

The Immersive Narratives: Advertising, Engagement, and Storytelling panel was held at Baruch’s Performing Arts Center on Thursday, April 7, 2016. It featured three panelists—two from within the advertising industry, and one media professor. At the heart of the presentations and discussions was the concept of immersion and participation in media—how viewers and consumers are no longer just passive audience members.…

Audio Editing in Garageband

Recording and editing audio for an oral history project or any Digital Humanities project that has a sound-based component does not have to be difficult for DHers of any skill level thanks to widely available technology like the voice recorder that comes standard on most smart phones and free programs like Audacity and Garageband.

With that said, it can be a challenge to produce a podcast or video with consistent, static-free sound. This skillshare shows you some techniques you can use within Garageband to create consistent audio throughout your sound project.