Tak fair big gowsberries, befor they yellow & Cut them in qwartowrs almost to the bottom & tak owt all their meeth or seads & put them on lyk hosp[?] awght or nyn of them on one prich of one thorn bush, then to one pound of yowr stoned hopps put one pound and quartor of shugar desolved in one ing pint of watur and boyled to one syrrop. Lett it cowll then put in yowr hops. So boyll them casuvly till the Syrop is annough then tak them up and pott them next morning being cowld.
Take four[fair?] big gooseberries before they yellow & cut them in quarters almost to the bottom & take out all their meat or seeds & put them on like hosp[?] eight or nine of them on one prick of one thornbush. Then to one pound of your stoned hops, put one pound and quarter of sugar, dissolved in one ing[?] pint of water and boiled to one syrup. Let it cool then put in your hops. So boil them casually till the syrup is enough, then take them up and pot them next morning, being cold.