Documenting the Document: Visualizing Connections Among the Snowden NSA Papers
April 4, 2018 - All
PPT Slide Show: Documenting the Document
Student’s Name: Alexander Whelan
Title of Project: “Documenting the Document: Visualiazing Connections Among the Snowden NSA Papers”
Abstract: This network study visualizes every available document from the Snowden Document Search, a collaborative online repository between Courage Foundation and Transparency Toolkit which collects and codes metadata for NSA documents leaked by Edward Snowden, in an effort to analyze connections between internal NSA records. The findings demonstrate visible politicized attitudes towards different countries with implications for the NSA’s role in U.S. geopolitics. The project offers several networks presented in terms of document metadata such as sensitivity/classification and primary topic, and this presentation discusses analytical approaches for making meaning out of how co-occurring relationships manifest among the documents. The coverage of the project also includes documenting methods network analysis using Gephi, user testing and feedback about visualization design, and suggesting future directions for how the results may be used to guide research.
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