Court Proceedings

Edward Snowden recently announced he will return to the United States to stand trial if the US government guarantees him a fair trial that will allow him to make a public interest defense.

Debbie Rabina’s LIS 611 Information Policies and Politics class will give him one.

Please join us at Pratt Institute, School of Information’s #infoshow16 Student Show and Conference on
May 17, 5-7pm as we let the jury decide.

The following court proceedings will address three charges brought against Edward Snowden: 

  1. Theft of Government Property
  2. Unauthorized Communication of National Defense Information
  3. Willful Communication of Classified Communications Intelligence Information to an Unauthorized Person.

Opening Statements & Edward Snowden Interviews

  • Prosecution 5 minutes
  • Defense 5 minutes

Expert Witness For Defense

  • Examination by Defense 2 minutes
  • Cross Examination by Prosecution 2 minutes

Expert Witness For Prosecution

  • Examination by Prosecution 2 minutes
  • Cross Examination by Defense 2 minutes

Jury Deliberation 5 minutes

Closing Statements

  • Prosecution 2 minutes
  • Defense 2 minutes


Edward Snowden  |  Kolbe Resnick

briana judge_v3
Judge  |  Briana Mooreprosecution_3For the Prosecution | Michele Drohan, Elizabeth Frank, William Hagenah, Coral Salomon

For the Defense  |  Laura Childs, Maryanne Hall, Carmen Irabien, Allison Nellis

Expert witness for the defense representing NSWBC | Laurin Paradise

prosecution_with_nsaExpert witness for the prosecution representing NSA  |  Debbie Rabina (with Prosecutors, Elizabeth Frank, William Hagenah)

juryCourt reporters and Jury | Mia Bruner, Nataya Culler, Samantha Levin, Katie Martinez