Zachary’s karate club is one of many examples as it relates to social relationships within a small group or organization. This Karate club as a range of social affair activities apart from its regular scheduled karate lessons such as (parties, dances, banquets, etc.). The Club was very informal when it comes to decision making. Because of the fission which will be discussed, the Club has four communities that come together for decision making in the form of an informal meeting where most decisions were made by consensus. At club meetings. This presentation will highlight the interactions of club members in and outside of the Club. I will also present the shift of membership because of the financial conflict between the primary instructors Mr.Hi, and John A., who was the club president at that time. Thus resulting in the club fission; Some members start a new club with Mr. Hi, some stayed at the old karate club, some battle with loyalty decision and the other members gave up karate practice. I will present a visual representation of the dataset collected as it relates to the fission of Zachary’s Karate club.
Note: Zachary is not actually the owner of the karate club he’s the man who compiled the dataset. right here questions the number.
The members of Zachary’s Karate club were faced with a choice. Which is in the data set I will be visualizing. The question was which student was more loyal based on acquaintance with the owner John A or their loyalty with their sensei Mr.Hi? We will navigate if a student is more likely to go to the owner just based on their relationships with the other students or their Mr. Hi their Sensei. Material used.
Materials Used
Gephi : An open-source software used to create and analyze network data visualization.
Microsoft Excel : To format the data.
To complete this project, I have used the tools mentioned above to accomplish my goal, which is to justify the students’ choice; whether they went with the Owner John A or their Sensei Mr. Hi. But first I had to understand the dataset provided for the scenario. Then present it visually for a better understanding. See the direct link attached for the dataset. This website below gives me the option to download open-source information in several different file formats like CSV, Excel, etc. After the retrieval of this information needed(dataset). I loaded it into Gephi see Fig1, Fig1a, and Fig1b. shows the raw dataset visual representation.


Fig1b shows the raw visualization come of the dataset, which has 34 nodes and 78 edges and four communities. The two main communities would be John A and Mr. Hi. I then applied the labeling which made the visual I little clearer see Fig1c.


Results & Interpretations
Per the dataset, there were 34 members at Zachary Karate Club. Two of the 34 members are leaders—Mr. Hi, the sensei and Mr. John A, the owner. Note; the other names in the visual representation were made up by me, just for a clearer understanding of the dataset. The fission of the membership was segmented into four communities; one for John A, one for Mr. Hi, one community battled with the decision of which club to join, and the others quit the practice. In Fig2 We see the sharing of the four communities, and their percentages are as in the image.

Let us analyze the dataset some more to decipher the loyalty of each member. The store line tells us that Mr. Hi wishes to raise prices, and claimed the authority to set his lesson fees since he was the instructor. And John A wants
to stabilize prices, and claimed the power to set the lesson fees
Since he was the club’s chief administrator, Fig2.1 shows us that 38.24% of Zachary’s members agree with the owner John A to stabilize the prices, and Fig2.1a shows us that only 32.35% thinks their sensei does a great job and should be the one making the prices. In Fig2.1b, 17% of the members are battling with loyalty, whose club to join, and the remaining 11.76% still kept their relationship with both clubs but quit the karate practice. See Fig2.1c.
11 Members stayed with John A the owner( 38.24%).

Ten Members Started a new club with Mr. Hi ( 32.35%).

Six Members could not choose who they will be loyal to (17%).

Four members still kept a relationship with both Mr. Hi and John A but quit Karate.

There were a few limitations as it relates to completing this project. The first limitation was a compatibility issue; the software Gephi 0.92 would not open because it could not see java 8 on my laptop, so I had to download an older version of Gephi. Then comes memory issue, Gephi wanted more memory to run my CSV file. However, these issues were all resolved thanks to my professor Chris S. who assisted remotely. After these minor obstacles, I was able to start the project ‘THE FISSION OF ZACHARY’S KARATE CLUB.”
This project was very informative as it highlights the situation that happened at Zachary’s Karate Club relating to social networking and behavioral patterns when it comes to loyalty and decision-making.
The analytical part of this project was very informative as I got to dissect the entire situation and interpreted the dataset visually. I broke down the four communities that were birth from the fission at Zachary karate club. In this project, I was able to show how all 32 members of the 34 members club decision were placed after the agreement to split Zachary’s Karate Club ( The Fission).
I wanted to incorporate deferent tools to explain the data set, but for this project, the focus was on Using Gephi. With all this, the overall project was very informative after dissecting the information and presenting the information in a visual form, so it is easier to understand.
Fission; the action of dividing or splitting something into two or more parts.
Community: refers to the fission of the original members. Each group is called a community.