When figuring out what dataset did I wanted to choose, I decide to use one from New York City Data. My data set is about the current active tobacco permits provided in NYC, mainly focusing on the active ones, date provided, and location . For the purpose of this lab, I though this was a great dataset as it would allow me to perform quantitative, categorical and historical dimensions as per required for this lab. Also, I do not enjoy smoking nor interested, but when sewing this data set I got interested in size of the business and if it keeps having growth after electric cigars boomed.
New York City Data – Downloaded data from their website. Microsoft Excel – Used to do some cleaning/edits on the data set downloaded. Tableau – Software used to create data visualizations
Once decided I wanted to work with the Active Tobacco Licenses in NYC – for the 5 boroughs – I opened my file from excel to deeply understand what my data consisted of. It had 27 columns from which not all of them were relevant for me to use, and it had a little over 5000 rows. The information reflected all the active licenses that NYC had issued.
My data set included zip code, address and name of stores among other information so what I wanted to do first is to understand how many licenses are active on each borough. The firs issue I encounter was that I initially thought that total licenses per borough would be resented in 5 different areas, however it breaks down per area within the borough. The boroughs that I am able to see total of are Manhattan, Bronx and State Island. Queens and Brooklyn break down by area and I am assuming this is due to the size of the boroughs.

Manhattan is the borough that has the most active licenses totaling to 1290. This could be due to the fact that Manhattan houses the largest amount of people within smaller square feet. Followed by the Bronx.
Next, as I had zip code, I wanted to know about how many active licenses can be found within a zip code so I proceeded to do the breakdown by zip code. Data set had a total of 202 zip codes and most of them have over 10 licenses per zip code. I found that JFK zip code has a total of 10 active licenses, and this should be inside the airport as zip code # 11430 only belongs to JFK.

What I wanted to do next was to have the business names show in the form of a list, under details, when clicking on the zip code. So not only the Toal number of stores but also the names of it could be seen. However I was not able to do so. I tried applying different filters but none of them would give me the result I was looking for.
I also tried changing the measure between minimum, maximum and count but I realized this was meant to be used for something else.
In order to have the names displayed under the same zip code, the business have to break and be individual as below – not able to present I had envisioned

Having live in NYC for a while, I would have thought that it had more tabaco licenses, specially as there can be more than two stores within a block. This can be due to the fact that a lot fo retailers are not focusing on electric cigars and they do not fall within the tabaco license. Electic cigars have their own type of license which is the “Electric Cigaret Retail Dealer License” so this has probably largely decrease the need to apply for tabaco licenses.
When it comes to doing maps in tableau, great visualizations can be presented, however I am not familiar with all that can be done on it I order to achieve results. I want to better understand how to break down information when working with longitude and latitude in Tableau. Also want to work more with layers as I have not fully discovered the benefits of using them.
Link to Tableau Public
By Borough: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/maria.menendez4999/viz/TabacoLicenseNYC/ByBorough?publish=yes
By Zip Code: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/maria.menendez4999/viz/TabacoLicenseNYC-ByZC/ByZC?publish=yes