For this QGIS lab, I decided to find a data set for NY State that would be interesting to visualize as a map. After searching for a while, I did not find a particular set that called to me so I decided to with fishing information. I used QGIS for this assignment and I created one map and am highlighting to parts of it.
For this lab I used information from the NYS GIS Clearinghouse ( and the QGIS client. The data set comes from a couple of different sets, ranging from the public fishing areas in lakes and ponds to the NYS water boundaries. I had to come through to find the SHP file for the state, as it was not clear where I could get that form. Ultimately I downloaded at least around 5 sets of data.
This was the hardest lab yet, as I found the QGIS software confusing and difficult to use. I began my process by getting the data sets from the NY GIS Clearinghouse and dragging them into QGIS. With the dots of fishing locations on the map, I went back to the Clearinghouse to find a SHP file for NY State overall, and found a couple. After plugging in a few different ones to see which one made the most sense, which ended up being the state boundaries. I added the points that represented the streams and ponds, and they I spent a long time figuring out how to make it look decent.
Result and Critique
Figure 1 shows all of the rivers and ponds as identified by the NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC) across the state of New York. I intended for this to be used as a reference of where the most fishing locations are situated. I intended to compare this to another SPH file such as biodiversity or overfishing, but I could not find that statistic and when I did find the biodiversity information I had no idea how to connect it visually to this map.

Figure 2 shows the same information but for the NYC area. This was interesting because it shows that according to the NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation there are only a few sanctioned areas for people to fish, and they are all lakes. I do wish I had this map more exciting, but again I could not find how to connect another data set to this. My main critique I received when I showed this to colleagues was that there could be more information highlighted.
NYS GIS Clearinghouse –
Public Fishing Recommended Sites (NYS GIS) –
Public Fishing Stream Parking Areas (NYS GIS) –
Biodiversity Indicator Tool (NYS GIS) –
NYS Civil Boundaries (NYS GIS) –