By Stephanie Naut
In the New Art of Making Books, Ulises Carrión writes, “A writer writes texts.” If so, how does text influence art and vice versa? For this project, I aim to connect the intersection between art and text and how text affects art in terms of the Center for Books Arts subject list categories. I aim to use a hierarchy treemap on Flourish in combination with the Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus. I mainly focused on methods and formats related to bookmaking and printmaking in the dataset. The overall findings for this project are the amount of data cleaning I had to do to develop a hierarchy tree-map and how complex reducing language, especially around art, is to a set of categories in which they are related to each other.
Links: Stephanie’s Treemap | How to guide for the Treemap | Blog post about Stephanie’s data work
PDF download of Stephanie’s write up on the project:
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Suggested Citation:
Stephanie Naut, Names of Names, Books as Art, Art as Data. Pratt Institute: 2024.
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