Generate New York 2017 Conference Panel Discussion

January 11, 2018 - All


UXPA@Pratt, a student chapter of the UXPA, organized a group trip to this year’s Generate New York web development conference. During this panel discussion, the trip’s eight attendees will address some key takeaways and common themes from the conference.

This InfoShow17 Event Will Include the Following Participants

  • Alex Hagenah
  • Amanda Belantara
  • Arushi Jaiswal
  • Charles Dellebovi
  • Josh LaMore
  • Mary Ellen Curley
  • Nishant Goyani
  • Yangyang Long

Details About This InfoShow17 Event

UXPA@Pratt is a student chapter of the User Experience Professionals Association, an international organization that provides its members professional development and networking opportunities. By organizing group trips to local conferences, UXPA@Pratt aims to provide its student members similar opportunities (albeit on a much more modest scale).

This year we attended the Generate New York 2017 conference, held at the New World Stages from April 27–28. Generate New York is an annual web development conference that includes talks and workshops hosted by professionals from a variety of fields, including user experience research, user experience design, information architecture, and content strategy. During this panel discussion, the trip’s eight attendees will be addressing some key takeaways and common themes from this year’s conference.

Special thanks to Pratt Institute’s Graduate Student Engagement Fund Committee, who generously provided the financial support for this trip.

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